by Dannie | Mar 17, 2020 | Blog, Money, Reviews
The very first time DJ and I tried to file our taxes in California we went into a place to have a ‘professional’ do them for us. We sat with them for a little over an hour while they put all of our information into the computer to get our return ready.At...
by Dannie | Feb 6, 2020 | Blog, Budget Tips, Money, Personal Stories
Hi Wealthy Fam! As you know, I recently moved to the Bay Area and I’m finally ready to share my budget and thought process behind it. New here? Check out this announcement for context. I want to start by saying that my budget is still a work in progress and there are...
by Dannie | Nov 8, 2019 | Blog, Budget Tips, Money
When you’re trying to start focusing on your finances, it may seem like there are a lot of moving parts. One thing people often wonder is, “What should I pay first?” So, we created this payment priority rankings list to help answer that...
by Dannie | Nov 8, 2019 | Blog, Money, Saving Money
Hi there! I’m one of those lucky females that went through puberty without any acne and then once I hit my mid-20s, my face exploded. I’ve always had sensitive skin but now my skin thinks she’s the Queen of England and only likes the purest of...
by DJ | Oct 17, 2019 | Blog, Budget Tips, Money
It seems like the holiday season sneaks up on people every year. Which is weird, because Christmas is ALWAYS on the 25th of December. 🤷🏽♂️ For those of us who celebrate, this season can really ruin your budget if you aren’t careful. This year, use this simple...
by Dannie | Oct 9, 2019 | Blog, Money, Paying Off Debt
I know sooo many people are eager to get out of debt, but guess what? There are some very important things you should do first. Before you start making extra payments towards your debt, please do these 6 things! By taking care of the tasks below, you’ll be able...