Building Wealth: One Penny at a Time

12 April 2017

building wealth

There’s a popular theory out there that says, “You have to be wealthy in order to become wealthy”.


That is a total load of BS. Building wealth starts with your mind, not your money!

If you’re like 99% of Americans, you don’t come from a wealthy family. My wife and I grew up under a similar set of circumstances. Our families taught us, pretty early on, that it was almost impossible for the “average person” to build wealth in America.

Did they tell us these things explicitly?

No, we did not have “You can’t become wealthy” discussions every night before bed.

We learned how wealth worked by watching the actions of the people around us.

Children Are Very Observant

Ever wonder why it seems like kids are always staring at you?

That’s because they are. Kids learn by watching and mimicking the things that people are doing around them.

So, it’s no surprise that the majority of children who grow up in low-income families grow up to repeat many of the same financial mistakes their parents made.

I remember times where I would overhear my parents talking to each other about how ‘money was tight’ or how ‘we can’t afford XYZ’. When I was younger, I figured that was normal. I assumed that not having money and having debt were regular growing pains of life.

Little did I know that there was actually an alternative to being broke.

If you listen to what some of the world’s wealthiest people have to say about money, you’ll learn one important thing:

Your MINDSET has the biggest effect on your wealth building potential.

Why Did We Start This Blog?

If you’re not actively thinking about your finances, they will get out of control. We learned this the hard way as a young married couple. After my mother passed away, we realized that we needed to get our finances in order.

We started this blog to share some of the tips that have helped us along our way towards debt freedom. The things that we have learned helped us increase our credit scores from the 500s to 800s and allowed us to get rid of $130,912 worth of our debt.

Who Is This Site For?

This site is for everyone:

Broke college graduates, couples, single people, young people, old people.

If you are looking for actionable tips that can help you get out of debt, stay out of debt, and start building wealth – you’re in the right place!

What Can You Expect From Us?

While we can’t promise that the information we share will be perfect for you, we can promise that we will be open about our own experiences and what worked for us. Everyone has different circumstances and experiences, and we understand that. There are no one-size fits all solutions when it comes to your money. The good thing is that there are so many tools and resources available that there will be something useful for everyone.

We don’t claim to be financial wizards, but we do know a thing or two about reclaiming your money. We believe that it’s never too late (or too early) to start getting your finances in shape and starting the process of building wealth. Every penny counts when it comes to getting out of debt or saving money. You’ll have to stop looking at pennies as worthless pieces of change and start seeing them as tiny footprints on your path towards financial freedom!

Remember what we said:

Building wealth starts with your mind!Click To Tweet

— DJ & Dannie


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